No one know exactly how they got their dragon looking traits. Some theorize that it has something to do with starting in the desert, and that they migrated in groups to different parts of the world. As there are many different theories, this is the most popular.
It is also theorized that if Fogins migrated in groups that this is how the Clans would be created hundreds of years ago. There are different groups of clans in many different areas in the world.
Fogins diet consists mostly of meat including small rodents, birds, ect. Māo chèngs that have wings like to hunt front the air, even for the grounded prey.
Their routines includes: patrolling from the sky, patrolling from the ground, bathing/shedding skin by going in water (which releases fog), building dens and walls around their camp
• They are non-hostile, and try to be peaceful as much as possible to each other. But are hostile toward predators (Like badgers, coyotes, and sometimes sharks if they live near the ocean)
• They release fog from under their scales if it gets into contact with water(this doesn't hurt them and often feels relieving)
• They live near water (Mostly oceans, rivers, and lakes)
• All kits are born with a full body of fur, some areas will eventually fall off to reveal their scales.
• Scales can be many colors! But most of the time are their eye color (but this isn't always the case)
• They are a mix of nocturnal and diurnal! Although diturnal is more common, many of other Fogins are nocturnal for the safety of their clan.
• Fogins with longer and tougher tails/tailends will use it as a weapon if necessary.
• Fogins usually have scales on their tail (obviously) and parts of their legs and back

Staff / Artists
Guest Artists
Guest artists are allowed to make and sell common and uncommon (and if they ask are approved) Fogins. However, if they wish to make a Fogin to keep, they must purchase a myo or buy once from another guest or official artist. They will be removed from the team in a month unless promoted.
Official Artists
Official artists are allowed to make and sell Fogins from any rarity for as long as they wish to be apart of the team, however, if they wish to make a Fogin to keep, they must purchase a myo or buy once from a guest or another official artist.
Currencies We Accept
Amino Coins, more will be added soon
Common Myo
Uncommon Myo
Rare Myo
Ultra Rare Myo
Customs are made from both Guest and Official artists
List of Available Artists
nina moon
We currently do not have a mascot